

Keirston Gaines, Founder / CEO
CHAMPION Kids was birthed from a desire to help all kids. We strive to plant seeds in the lives of our youth and the generations to come by educating and providing resources that will take root in their lives. This will empower them to grow into individuals that are whole and complete; being all that God has called and created them to be.
At the age of 12, my mother lost her mother due to a brain aneurysm. Her father was a merchant seaman who battled alcoholism and due to his job, he was gone for months at a time. As a result, five kids (ages 14, 12, 10, 8, and 6) were often left alone to fend for themselves. To prevent any “red flags”, my mother ensured that everyone was fed and household chores were completed. While my mother and her brothers were never placed in child protective services or foster care, they were eventually separated and dispersed among family members. My mom and oldest uncle were sent to live with family in New Orleans, Louisiana, while the youngest three remained in Mobile, Alabama among different family members. Despite the many adversities that my mother faced while growing up, she was resilient. She was able to dust herself off, forgive despite of, love despite of, smile despite of, and she soared towards a victorious life! Likewise, I want our youth to live victoriously regardless of their situation.
Therefore, the following factors propelled my desire to establish CHAMPION Kids:
Having the knowledge and witnessing the heartbreak of my mother’s childhood situation
Removing children from their families as a former social worker due to destructive home lives
Working with students who are living in imaginable situations and dealing with emotional trauma
Being considered an “at-risk” youth at some point in my life
Purpose of CHAMPION Kids
Purpose is the reason for which something exists.
CHAMPION Kids is a Christ-centered organization that promotes a Christian worldview that desires for each CHAMPION Kid to develop their relationship with the Lord. The goal of CHAMPION Kids is to give birth to a generation of youth who will achieve their full potential and develop into adults knowledgeable of God’s purpose and plan for their lives. CHAMPION Kids strive to utilize different resources that will encourage kids to soar towards the fulfillment of their destiny academically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.
The Purpose of CHAMPION Kids is to focus on the following life skills:
Purpose creates vision, vision produces goals, goals permit the development of a plan, and a plan allows for an orderly journey.
Vision is the ability to see the end from the beginning.
Vision is also an image of the future we seek to create.
Where there is no vision [no revelation of God and His word], the people are unrestrained; But happy and blessed is he who keeps the law [of God].
Proverbs 29:18 AMP